Sunday, November 8, 2009

Literacy Circles 2

We are still learning about literacy circles.
This week our first focus is being a Word Detective
We have to:
- Find 6 interesting, unusual, hard or funny words from the story.
- Find their definition
- Use the thesaurus to find a synonym for these words.
- Try to put these words in a sentence.

Have a read of our word detective tasks!


room15 kids said...

hello guys

did you know that testimony means the declarcion of truth or fact!the synonym of this word is submisson.transcribed means to write down the synonym of it is put in writing.

from izzy

jono jono jono said...


The wolf had a terrible cold. He was making his granny a birthday cake. He went to the pigs house to get the cup out the sugar but the pigs did not let him in so he sneezed two of the pigs houses down. But the third little pigmade a stabble house so he could not sneeze the house down.

jackson said...

1.I went to the history museum.

2.I went crazy.

3.I was honoured.

4.I sneezed.

5.I went to a testiomony.

6.I was jazzed.