Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Literacy Circles 3

We have been working hard on our literacy circles.
We are thinking about reading other posts and asking questions.

Our second task this week is summariser.
- Complete a 10 line summary of the story.
- Don’t tell us the whole story, just the important events and characters.
- When you have read it or posted, your group will tell you if you have missed something important.

Come and read the summaries of the Wolf Testifies.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Literacy Circles 2

We are still learning about literacy circles.
This week our first focus is being a Word Detective
We have to:
- Find 6 interesting, unusual, hard or funny words from the story.
- Find their definition
- Use the thesaurus to find a synonym for these words.
- Try to put these words in a sentence.

Have a read of our word detective tasks!

Video Conferencing

With our literacy circles we are lucky to be able to video conference with Room 19.

Did you enjoy video conferencing?
What do you need to do differently next time you video conference?
What needs to be improved?

Let me know your thoughts and opinions!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Literacy Circles

For the next few weeks the Kiwi Reading Group is learning how to take part in literacy circles.
A literacy circle is when a group of students that are reading the same book meet and discuss the book.
A way to enable to students to gain deeper understanding of a story.
Enhancing literacy circles:
- Students having different roles/tasks to complete
- Having group discussions
- Blogging each task/role and allowing others to add their own opinions to comments posted
- Video conferencing with other classes reading the same book

We are reading 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszka.
We are learning to do the role of character describer.
- Describe the main characters
- This means describing their personality, looks, likes and dislikes.
- What impact do they have on the story?

Have a read of our tasks...
Post comments or question to provoke deeper understanding of the text.